Useful Links & Resources
Links to Local Newspapers
Northwestern Republican
(1868-1894) 8,123 Pages -
The Republican
(1894-1903) 3,530 Pages -
Democratic Expositor
(1875-1882) 1,582 Pages -
The Wauseon Republican
(1903-1904) 640 Pages -
Swanton Enterprise
(1887-1921) 90 Pages -
Swanton Avalanche
(1885-1885) 8 Pages
St. James Lutheran Church Records
1847 - 1890's German Twp., Fulton Co., Ohio Baptism (Tauf), Confirmation & Death (Todtem)
(scanned photocopies of the original records)
Charles Keller's History Pages:
Early Schools of Fulton County, Ohio Fayette, Ohio Normal College, Lyons, Ohio History & Photos
St. James Lutheran Church Records
1847 - 1890's German Twp., Fulton Co., Ohio Baptism (Tauf), Confirmation & Death (Todtem)
(scanned photocopies of the original records)
Genealogy links on social media
Here is a list of 16,000 genealogy-related sites on Facebook
Websites with Fulton County Genealogies
(The following links will take you to our old website. If you don't see anything, please scroll down. Eventually, these links will be incorporated into this website. Except for the historical data, most of the info is outdated, but there was too much good info on it not to give you access while we are creating this website. Some of the links no longer work or have been removed.)
Fulton County Township Histories
printable pdf file
by Thomas Mikesell
History of Fulton County, Ohio
By George P. Monagon and George M. Liscombe published in 1877
Early Pioneer History of Chesterfield Township
Fulton County Ohio Photos of the Past
(Photos are from the Fulton County Historical Society Museum)
Fulton County Photo Slide Show
If you have Internet Explorer or
with other Browsers
Photos of the Destruction of the 1920 Tornado in Swanton Ohio
Underground Railroad of Northwest Ohio
From Mary Teeter, Lenawee Co. MI GenWeb Coordinator: Abstracts of obituaries, marriages and a few
births from Medina and Seneca Twps., Lenawee Co, MI and
Chesterfield and Gorham Twps., Fulton Co, Ohio 1890-1899.
Two different histories of German Township of Fulton County Ohio found in the local newspapers.
One was published in 1870 and the other in 1877. Both contain some interesting reading.
1) German Township history that was published in the
Northwestern Republican Newspaper on February 10, 1870
2) German Township history that was published in the
Northwestern Republican Newspaper on January 25th, 1877