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WISE, Peter

Pioneers of Fulton County Ohio please note the death of Peter Wise of York Twps., who died March 26, 1885 age Seventy five years ten months and three days.
The deceased was born in Union County Pennsylvania and there married and from then came to Portage County, Ohio thence to Lucas now Fulton County, Ohio March 25, 1836 settled upon lands entered form the Government at a cost of $1.25 per acre which was them an unbroken wilderness. But by faithful industry he succeeded in making this unbroken forest one of the most productive as well a beautiful farm as there is in that section of the county.
His family consisted of his wife who died September 7th 1875 aged 66 years 6 months and 4 days and the mother of his seven children, three sons and four daughters of which five are now living.
Brother Wise was a devoted Christian of the M.E. faith and man of marked character in being generous in his habits, enlightened and accurate in judgments, faithful in public trust and untiring in the performance of duty, affectionate, sincere and cordial as a husband, father and friend.
And while his children yet live to appreciate his worth and mourn his death.
Let us remember him while in the vigor of life with his family in his log cabin in the midst of a dense forest. Let us remember him in the last hours of affliction, yea let him be remembered in history long after his spirit hath taken its flight to that heaven of rest in that building not made with hands bit eternal in the heaven.

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