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MIKESELL, Mary (Jones)

Mrs. Mary (Jones) Mikesell died at her home near Wauseon Friday evening, March 11, aged 72 years, 8 months, 22 days. Deceased was born in Shreve, Wayne County, Ohio, June 17, 1814, and moved with her parents William and Elizabeth Jones, to this county in 1834; was married to Adam Mikesell, at Perrysburg, Ohio, September 12, 1837, and settled on the land that he purchased of the Government, pioneers in the undeveloped portion of what was then Lucas but now Fulton County, where now stands the old homestead adjoining the village of Wauseon. She was the mother of nine children, five sons and four daughters, three sons and one daughter preceded her to the silent and unknown world. William and Charles as soldiers gave their lives in defense of their country, one falling at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain, and the other was drowned in the Cumberland River. She lived to see nearly all the early settlers in the new country of upwards of fifty years ago pass away and to witness springing up about her a new generation and new life. Her husband died 27 years ago since which time she has remained a widow and managed the farm. Her funeral was largely attended Sunday afternoon, March 13, from her late residence, conducted by Rev. Fitzwater, pastor of the M.E. church and her remains laid by the side of her husband in their last resting place in the family burying ground on the farm.

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