LEE, Almon
Obituary of one of Fulton County Pioneers
On the morning of August 21st 1896, at the age of 56 years, 8 months and 9 days, Almon M. Lee passed suddenly but peacefully over the river of death, beloved by all who knew him.
He was born in Gorham Township, Fulton County, Ohio, December 12, 1840, and has ever since lived in Fulton County.
He was united in marriage to Martha M. Gorham August 11, 1867, and to them were born two sons and one daughter, George W.; Vernon L.; and Inez M. ; whom, together with the widow, two brothers, three sisters, his daughter in law and three grand children survive to mourn his untimely loss.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee began housekeeping in Chesterfield Township on a farm, and continued their farm life until about three years ago. When they removed to Wauseon, Mr. Lee having been elected to the office of County Recorder, the duties of which he assumed in January 1894. So well did he fulfill the duties of that responsible office that he was unanimously renominated for a second term by the convention assembled.
Previous to his said election Mr. Lee was active in the affairs of his township, having held the office of trustee, clerk and land appraiser; taught several terms of school in his neighborhood, was an honored and respected citizen, and had the good will and confidence of all his neighbors.
Mr. Lee took an active part in the organization of the Chesterfield Grange, of which he served as Master for several years. He was also a member of the Morenci Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, members of which lodge, together with the Wauseon lodge, officiated at his burial.
He was a faithful husband, a devoted father and a kind and loyal friend.