JOHN HARRISON was born in Yorkshire England February 20, 1814, in the year 1826 when a boy with his parents he immigrated to America, they settled in Livingston County State of New York.
When about twenty one years of age Mr. Harrison came to Ohio and settled in Summit County where he married Elisabeth Wardley February 19, 1837, at the time he was a blacksmith by trade.
In the year 1845 with his small savings and family he came to what is now Fulton County. There entered and settled lands in York Township of which he made a beautiful and well paying farm, which he occupied till June 1871 then he removed to Wauseon. Where he lived a retired life till May fifth 1893 when death relieved him, buried in Wauseon Cemetery.
To him and his wife Elisabeth was born six children, Eliza, Addie, Olivia, Alfred, DeEtta and John R. of which four of them together with Mrs. Harrison survive him. Mr. Harrison was of moral culture, tender and affectionate to his family, industrious habits, sought home pleasures, was a fine farmer, always provided and lived well. Their latch string out and noted for company and a good time they always had, of which your humble writer had full experience.
Stillman C. Biddle