2024 Meeting Dates/Programs
The next Fulton County Genealogical Society meeting is Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 7 p.m. Julia Chase from the German Lutheran Heritage Society will join us to share some helpful hints for genealogy research using FamilySearch that you may not know.
Join us to find out more about how to find information on your family that might be just what you need!
If Delta School is canceled for severe weather, our meeting is canceled.
Fulton County Genealogical Society meetings are held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 410
Taylor St., Delta. Parking and entry are on the back side of the church. Visitors are
welcome. Hope to see you there!
Fulton County Genealogical Society meetings are held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 410 Taylor St., Delta. Parking and entry are on the back side of the church. Visitors are welcome. Hope to see you there!
Fulton County, Ohio has a rich history that dates back to the early 19th century. The county was established in 1850 and named after Robert Fulton, the steamboat inventor. Throughout its history, Fulton County has been home to many notable figures and events, including the first woman to be elected to the Ohio State Senate. Today, the county continues to thrive as a hub of agriculture and industry in the state of Ohio.Fulton County, Ohio has been home to many notable individuals throughout history.
The Fulton County Genealogical Society was
founded in 1978, the Fulton County Chapter of the Ohio Genealogical Society’s first meeting involved about 20 people. Meetings were held alternately between the Swanton Public Library and the Senior Citizen Center and YMCA in Wauseon, Ohio. In 1980, the chapter received its charter from the Ohio Genealogical Society.
First housed at the Swanton Public Library in Swanton, Ohio, then moved to the Fulton County Historical Society for several years, the chapter’s collection of over 1,300 books and over 200 rolls of microfilm is now located at the Evergreen Community Library, 253 Maple Street, Metamora, Ohio. The filmed records include newspapers for towns in the county through 1910; birth and death records beginning in 1867; marriage records from 1864 (although the county was formed in 1850, a fire in July 1864 destroyed many early records). The library holdings include family histories, county histories, obituaries, tombstone inscription books, as well as a wide variety of other Ohio county records. Research help at the library is available with advance notice by volunteer members
Our very first publication was a reprint of the 1858 Wall Map of Fulton County, printed as twelve township maps showing landowners names; 1888 Atlas of Fulton county; 1903 Atlas of Fulton County; and all of the material on Fulton County in the 1875 Historical Atlas of the World and 496 personal histories. Our society prepared an index for each of these rare items. Since then we have published numerous items. (see the link above to see our current publications list and directions how to buy them.)
With a paid membership and a small additional fee, a member may make an application for First Families of Fulton County with documented proof that their relative lived here before 31 December 1860. Two other categories have recently been added. They are as follows: Civil War Families for those members who can show documented proof of their ancestor served in the Civil War; and also the Centennial Families category for those members whose ancestors can be proven to have resided in Fulton County 100 years before the date of application.
Our chapter currently meets the second Tuesday of each month except January and February, at the Trinity Lutheran Church located at 410 Taylor Street, Delta, Ohio. These meetings are open to the public and help will be given to anyone desiring to learn about tracing their family history.

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