BAYES, Thomas
The death of Uncle Tommy Bayes, as he was familiarly called occurred at his residence one mile west of town on Monday last. (May 6, 1889 – is penciled in) His death was not unexpected as he has been in feeble health for a long time. Mr. Bayes was born in Somerset Co., PA, May 19th 1806. He came with his parents to Ohio about the year 1816. He was married to Lamenta Swan November 6th, 1834 and moved to Fulton County in 1837, settling on the present site of Wauseon, his farm including nearly all of what is now the business portion. The house in which he lived while owner of the town site was situated on the east end of what is now the residence lot of Andrew Clark, fronting on Leggett Street and is remembered by the early settlers. He sold the track to Barber, Sargent and Leggett the proprietors of the town site and purchased the home where he has since lived and where he died. He was the father of ten children, six of whom survive him. His wife died some years ago. He was a man strictly upright and conscientious, doing what he believed to be right and just regardless of consequences. Possessing a nobility of character attained by few. He was a member of the M. E. church for 58 years his consistency and faithfulness on the line of duty being a model for many. The esteem in which he was held by the community was attested by the large attendance at his funeral which was held at his late residence on Wednesday last nearly 100 teams being in the procession. Rev. J. H. Fitzwater conducted the services and the remains were interred in the Bayes Cemetery.